An oasis for those who love classic stories. Los Angeles Times
tom stoppard
  • A Noise Within

    Q&A With R&G Director Geoff Elliott

    Do you have questions that you are just dying to know about in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead? We sat down for a Q&A series with Geoff Elliott, the director of our production, to find out what exactly is going on in the play. Which is more than either Rosencrantz or Guildenstern get to learn. Question #1:…

  • A Noise Within

    “Bring out your dead!” Tom Stoppard and the Theatre of the Absurd in Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead

    By Miranda Johnson-Haddad Tom Stoppard’s first major hit, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, came well before British comedian and Monty Python member Eric Idle, sounding very bored, exhorted the plague-stricken townspeople to “Bring out your dead!” in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Yet it is difficult to imagine this film without Stoppard’s play and the literary and…

  • A Noise Within

    Academic Decathlon 2018-19 Teams Up With Rosencrantz and Guildenstern!

    “Academic Decathlon was one of my formative high school experiences. The positive ripple effect continues to spread twenty-plus years later. Academic Decathlon fostered a thirst for knowledge deep and wide, as well as an aptitude for critical thinking, study skills, and a work ethic that would continue to serve me after high school through college,…

  • A Noise Within

    Take a Closer Look: Arcadia‘s Thomasina Coverly

    DID YOU KNOW? It is widely believed that the character of Thomasina Coverly in Arcadia is loosely based on Ada Lovelace, an English mathematician in the 1800’s. Many people actually regard her as the first computer programmer! Though Stoppard has actually denied the connection, Lovelace was the daughter of the famous poet, Lord Byron, an historical figure who is heavily featured…

  • A Noise Within

    Arcadia‘s Playwright: Tom Stoppard

    “It is a mistake to assume that plays are the end products of ideas (which would be limiting): the ideas are the end products of the plays.” TOM STOPPARD was born Tomáš Straüssler in Zlin, Czechoslovakia, in 1937. In 1939 his family immigrated to Singapore, which Tom evacuated with his mother and brother in 1942 before the World War II Japanese…

  • A Noise Within

    Arcadia: Meet the Characters

    Meet the incredible cast of Arcadia in the video below and read on to find out what our actors love about the characters they play. Ezra Chater played by Jeremy Rabb What I find endearing about Chater is his ability to overlook the relentless assaults on his dignity for a taste of genuine affirmation and fame….