Volunteer Ambassador Program
Play a part in great classical theatre: you’ll MEET great new friends, SUPPORT the theatre and SEE the performance for free! It’s easy and there’s no experience necessary! To sign up to usher, please click here to access the online sign-up form.
For more information, contact Melody Archer Moore, Ambassador Coordinator at volunteers@anoisewithin.org.
Our Education Department is in need of ambassadors who would be willing to assist with student matinees. Ambassadors aid with directing students around the theatre, discussing the themes of the play (provided to you), and other duties as needed. Student matinee volunteers will receive a t-shirt to wear on the day of. It’s a fun experience and incredibly rewarding to see the students be inspired by theatre.
Ambassadors are needed from 9:15-10:15 am and may stay for the show if they choose.
For more information, contact Melody Archer Moore, Ambassador Coordinator at volunteers@anoisewithin.org.
ANW believes in working hard on our anti-racist practice across the whole organization and we invite people to review more information here.