Meet Stage Manager & New Resident Artist Samantha Sintef

By A Noise Within
June 26, 2019
You might not have seen Samantha Sintef on stage at A Noise Within, but for years she’s been working hard behind-the-scenes to make sure our productions run smoothly. Now get to know ANW’s newest Resident Artist better!
How long have you been working at ANW?
I began working with A Noise Within in Fall 2013. I was the Production Management intern that season and wanted to learn more about what goes into producing theatre on a professional level. Towards the end of my internship I asked if there were any openings for Assistant Stage Managers for the upcoming trio of shows. I was hired to work on Tartuffe (Spring 2014) and have been around ever since. Over the last 6 years I have been a member of the Stage Management team on 16 A Noise Within productions.
What inspired you to become a stage manager?
I was always very drawn towards the behind-the-scenes aspect of theatre and being a stage manager is the ultimate behind-the-scenes job. You are the only person that is present at every design meeting, every rehearsal, and every performance. The primary job of a stage manager is to support the artists and to ensure the artistic vision of the show is upheld throughout the run.
What are the most rewarding and most difficult aspects of being a stage manager?
The most rewarding aspect of stage managing usually comes during 1st preview. We are transitioning out of technical rehearsals and are (usually) extremely nervous about having an audience. Most of the time we feel like we need more rehearsal and the show isn’t ready for the public. Then this magical thing happens during that first performance where the show comes to life. The cast/crew start discovering how the show works and the final pieces start to fall into place. You learn a lot about a show once the audience is brought in, what moments get reactions, what moments could be tighter. It’s my favorite part of the process.
The most difficult moments occur when we transfer to the set the first time. We usually spend most of our rehearsal time in the Lawrence Rehearsal Hall. There is always a period where everyone needs to adjust and get reacquainted with the space. Suddenly you realize the things you were doing upstairs might not translate to the theatre space.
What does being a Resident Artist mean to you?
Being a Resident Artist means that A Noise Within is your artistic home. I have known and worked with the members of the resident company for many years, and they have become my theatre family. I feel extremely lucky to have found an organization and group of people that I love collaborating with.
What is your favorite memory at ANW?
Working on Argonautika has been the most fulfilling experience I’ve had as a stage manager with A Noise Within. From beginning to end it was a very special production to be a part of and an incredibly challenging show to bring to life. Having worked closely with Julia and the design team on several productions we have developed a great short hand, which enabled us to work very efficiently in a short period of time. Argonautika allowed all of us to stretch our muscles and see how far we can push the boundaries of what can happen on our stage.