Capital Group Q&A: 30th Anniversary Gala

By A Noise Within
April 14, 2022
At this year’s 30th Anniversary Gala, we are honoring The Capital Group and 10 associates from the company who, over their time as supporters, have made significant contributions to A Noise Within. We spoke to all our honorees about all things ANW and wanted to share with you some of why they continue to be our loyal community partners:
When and why did you first come to A Noise Within?
“I’ve been a fan for many, many years.”
“I have loved drama my entire life.”
“When I was in 5th grade, I saw my first play and loved the experience”
“I married a theatre major!”
“When I came to California, I knew I have to be involved in theatre since my children love the arts”
“My son is at USC studying the Cinematic Arts, so I had to be involved too!”
“Other Capital Group associates and big ANW supporters first got me involved with ANW”
How long have you been a supporter of ANW? Why do you support us?
“Terry and Jeanie Kay got us involved after we met at The Knit Shop!”
“After my husband retired, we became more involved”
“I’ve been a supporter of A Noise Within for a long time, maybe 30 years or so.”
“I came to a show in May of 2007 and knew when I went that I wanted to be involved! I was so impressed that it was classical theatre and focused on dramatic literature. You don’t see too many of these plays live, but I remember seeing Beckett and Tennessee Williams too!”
How did you learn about A Noise Within? How did your relationship with us begin?
“Our first house in LA was in Highland Park, and so we were close by to the theatre in Glendale at the Masonic Lodge. We went once and fell in love with it. We loved the grittiness and closeness of this original theatre.”
“I live in Glendale and when ANW was located in that city, I noticed it at the Masonic Temple. I was curious about what they offered so I went to check it out. It was a smaller theater but incredibly alluring.”
“After I retired in 2014, I was invited to the Dinner on Stage event one year and from then on, I continued to contribute in any way I could. “
“Terri Murray brought me into the ANW community. She invited myself and Denise to a show and I ended up buying season tickets shortly after.”
“I was invited to sit at a table at one of the ANW galas and have been involved since!”
What kept you coming back throughout the years?
“I’ve always loved ANW. You all receive many Critics’ Choice awards and are there for folks looking for things beyond the Music Center. Once you come to ANW you really start discovering theatre.”
“Our commitment at Capital Group to investing in our community and nonprofits locally is unusual these days, so we want to keep contributing to that legacy for the corporation in the places that we live and work.”
“Geoff and Julia have fostered such an inclusive and accepting environment for theatre-goers – they’ve made a space that’s accessible to those who are masters of theatre and to those who have never seen a show before.”
“I’m not a big theatre person but I’m hooked on these productions and organization because the quality is so high and always exciting!”
“After seeing a production of Noises Off, I laughed so hard during the show that my stomach muscles hurt the next day!”
Our gala this year celebrates 30 years of theatre education at A Noise Within. What do you think makes arts education so important? What do you most appreciate about our Education Program?
“Before ANW, I never had the opportunity to attend an event to see the classics. That resonated with us. A repertoire theatre that did the classics. Plus, keeping Education at the heart of their mission is so important: to us and to the community.”
“The ANW Education program is extraordinary.”
“After volunteering for a Student Matinee at the theatre, I saw first-hand the impact that these programs have on local students.”
“ANW has been here for 30 years because of the excellent theatre that’s presented and the high-caliber staff, actors, crew, and beyond!”
“Determination, artistic vision, and organizational responsibility will keep us here for another 30 years.”
Learn more about our event here, including links to buy tickets, sponsor a portion of the event, or make a donation in honor of one of our Capital Group associates: